There is this woman I know.
It’s not me, you see.
It’s this woman I know.
She has THE WORST luck with men!
Some would say her “men picker” is broken...’s just her...that’s broken.
The first one nearly literally killed her.
The second one nearly killed her soul.
The third one still hurts so bad that,
AT TIMES, she wishes she could die.
YET! She still lives! Like a Phoenix rising
up out of the ashes
Because the ashes...ARE WHERE SHE LIVES!
It’s NOT ME, you see! It’s this woman I know!
You see, she use to hide in those ashes.
Now? I embrace them because I want
to see what they will make me.
There is this woman I want to know -
The good, the bad, AND THE UGLY.
It’s me, you see!
I AM the woman I want to know.
Shery R. Keel
July 2019