Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just Breathe

I rather like being the soft place to land
A place where the dying leaf can fall with no judgement
A place where the molted feather is not forgotten

Just float. Just breathe

I will hold you softly when you land
Until you cannot breathe anymore
And you will sleep in safety
And you will sleep in peace.

SRK 03/24/2020

Monday, September 23, 2019

I Am Everything

Epitome of Femininity
Mirror of Masculinity


Because I have to be
Because I want to be
Because I can
Because while I hate it, I love it

I am a LOT
I AM the extra in Extrovert
My moods change with the thoughts in my head, which run on nitrous but never run out of gas.
I have found several that could HANDLE me;
but have yet to find someone safe enough to hold me.
Happy Sad Anxious Calm
Comforted Lonely Proud Ashamed
I am all of these everyday
...and that’s ok.

Shery R. Keel
September 23, 2019

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

But Then You

faded into incessantly being interrupted every time I opened my mouth
until finally the last stitch to seal the other corner of my lips was the simple impatient and disgusted eye roll from not just one important person in my life but many that brought me to being "Baby" stuck unimportantly silently in the corner not waiting for my turn to speak because I gave up on the hope of that time coming long ago.

But then you walk into the room

          just like many others before and after you

I speak after being spoken to like I have been trained to do; but my carefully cloaked identity peeks out of the hole in my sleeve in the form of my poetry and philosophy and you respond with words like "hot" and "tangy" smacking your lips with hunger making me feel like I am feeding you - no kissing you - by simply the way I choose my words and it makes me want to give you more


                    FROM EVERYONE ELSE IN MY LIFE

Beating My Head Against the Wall

I know it’s only a feeling; but DEAR GOD does it HAVE to be so strong and can’t it SHUT OFF for just
               SECOND  ?

I have calculated all the reasons why I do.
I remember EVERY REASON why I shouldn’t; but...like a sleeping baby’s heartbeat...
                           CONSISTENTLY !
                                                      PERSISTENTLY !
through it all.

But SO WHAT !? It’s just a feeling, right!? It’s just love.
And yet the ONE thing that keeps me strong, the ONE memory that came too late -

           THE ONLY ONE
                                        THAT FELT THIS WAY !

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Who is That?

There is this woman I know.
It’s not me, you see.
It’s this woman I know.

She has THE WORST luck with men!
Some would say her “men picker” is broken...
BUT...maybe...it’s just her...that’s broken.

The first one nearly literally killed her.
The second one nearly killed her soul.
The third one still hurts so bad that,
AT TIMES, she wishes she could die.

YET! She still lives! Like a Phoenix rising
up out of the ashes
Because the ashes...ARE WHERE SHE LIVES!

It’s NOT ME, you see! It’s this woman I know!
You see, she use to hide in those ashes.
Now? I embrace them because I want
to see what they will make me.

There is this woman I want to know -
The good, the bad, AND THE UGLY.
It’s me, you see!
I AM the woman I want to know.

Shery R. Keel
July 2019

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

How Else Are They Going to Heal

Okay...so, look! For the most part, I am a strong intelligent independent beautiful woman; but I am beginning to believe that every super hero has a sort of "kryptonite". You know? That one thing that pulls you from the clouds by your cape and slams you debilitated on the sidewalk? Yeah, that kryptonite.

In order to even begin this blog, I have to reference my previous post "This is Closure". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to decipher that I am one of many other people that fall into the trap of going back to a dysfunctional ex. Let's be real, shall we! I basically have gone back to my ex much the same way as Barry the bee tries to bust through the window.

 "This time" from The Bee Movie

I would also like to point out that it was rather comical even to me when I came back to pound out these thoughts on my poor keyboard to discover that another previous post's title was "Quitting is Just Not My Style". So, yeah! You all probably were able to predict what was going to happen even before I went through it...again.

Therefore, I would like to take the time to tell anyone else (male or female, really) before you go back to an ex, DON'T! You can think about it; but just DON'T DO IT! The key here is to THINK about it. CRITICALLY THINK about it! Don't romanticize about it. BE REAL! If it was all so glorious, you would have never agreed to end it in the first place now would you!? However, when you do (as some of you, like me, will do) and WHEN (not if) it fails, LEARN from it. I can honestly say that in the...what was it... five times...oh, lord I've lost count (YES, I'M THICK! Reread the opening there, Judgey Wudgey)...anyway - in all the many times I flew back to "Mr. Psycho McLamedick" (names have been changed to protect the guilty) and was smashed on the pavement, I did learn something.

Let me explain. So, here I am sitting at work cowering in the middle of the aftermath of emotions that are flooding over me as is always the case when we break up. Finally, I get a moment when I think I am the only one in the office. Thinking the coast is clear, the pressure cooker inside me releases some steam. There go the flood gates! I do manage to cry somewhat quietly in case some one comes back in unexpectedly but if anyone was in the office, they could have heard me. After about 3 - 5 minutes of a good cry, I commence to blowing my nose (Ladies, I don't need to explain the details of what kind of a nose blow a good 3-5 minute cry will produce). That's when I hear someone walk by! DANG IT! How could I forget a co-worker was in my very small office you ask? Well, it's only because he's like a little mouse quiet and confined to his space most of the day (Gah! you people really are judgey.)! I quickly turn my back to the doorway of my office and attempt to clear up before he walks back by. FAILED!

Thankfully, he was kind, gracious, and professional. He asked if I was ok to which after some discourse I replied, "I just need to stop licking my wounds." Get ready for his mind blowing response! He said, "How else are they going to heal." Well, just like the scripture that says, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver..." (Proverbs 25:11) that response just melted into me and gilded to my soul. Immediately, a deep healing warmed over me and instantly gave me permission to be nice to myself. When a dog is wounded, he can be found licking the wound gently and incessantly to keep it from getting infected and to speed up the healing process. He's not biting or growling at himself. On the contrary! Rather, he snaps and growls at any potential threat that could keep him from healing or even hurt him further. Take this for whatever it's worth; but as for me I'm going to go find a dark safe corner to take care of myself until I'm ready to be approached again..."and that's ok".

Thursday, August 30, 2018

This Is Closure

So, I’m curiously thinking that your Vegas Trip was with the new girl you found when you were last on POF just after we celebrated Father’s Day together. Maybe that’s why you changed your mind about taking me. Of course as hard as it is for you to keep your attention on anything, there could have been several women.

What’s funny is even if that’s not true, it wouldn’t have been the first time you have been shady while we were together. The last time we broke up was because of a message a brunette woman left me about being in your bed while I was at conference. The time before that was because of the inappropriate relationship you had (maybe even still have) with Tiffanie.

So, maybe YOU’VE been the unfaithful one from the very beginning and maybe THAT’S the real reason you never trusted me and was always checking my phone. You judged me so strictly because you knew your own behavior. You assumed that everyone acts like you when you think no one can see you.

You’ll never admit it, I know, because you can never admit that you do anything wrong. After all, you blame me for always running away but refuse to see how your gradual (but all too apparent) intolerance of me makes you aggressively and abrasively push me out the door when you’re done with me.

All I know is this, our mutual defense mechanisms made us completely incompatible; and for that I am so deeply sorry.

However, I now have enough information to finally be done with you. Regardless, thank you for being you because (while I am a slow learner), at least, I FINALLY learned. And when I come to the end of my life, if I am alone, it will be because I CHOOSE to be.

Your package is in the mail and after this message you will be completely removed from my phone and will never hear from me again. Yes, I did leave...AGAIN. However, I finally choose to believe that you pushing me away really does mean you don’t want me. So, I will never be coming back (not that you would ever ask me to).

I hope for your sake and all the women you encounter that you finally figure out what you want. I hope you can someday believe that you are NOT your father and that what he said about you was WRONG because that, my friend, is the only thing preventing you from having healthy “companionship”. I always loved you deeper, stronger, and more than anyone else in my life. I always will. Nothing will change that and...funny...THAT will change nothing.

Love Always,
