Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Honesty Is Not Always the Comfortable Policy

Recently, a visit to the doctor's office revealed that I had lost 7lbs! I was very excited since prior to this I have had a tremendous difficulty losing weight. If I did lose anything it would be 5lbs only to gain it right back. So, the extra 2 lbs that somehow disappeared gave me great hope that I had broken a mysterious cycle.

I thought it a mystery because of denial. No, I am not talking about the river in Egypt. You know denial - it is the package of lies we tell ourselves hoping to escape some sort of truth we are just not quite ready to face yet. My inescapable truth was appetite and lack of activity has been the real cause of stubborn high scale numbers. However, I am now ready to face the truth. In order to see those numbers drop, feel a difference in the way my clothes fit, and feel better about myself, I MUST admit that I can no longer eat anything I want. I NEED to realize that sitting on the couch will not give me any more energy than what I have; but, in fact, it will suck even more life out of me.

My goal right now is to keep the magnetic 7lbs from clinging right back to me. If I can accomplish this, maybe I can move on to another 7lb decrease. I am taking it one baby step at a time. My greatest hurdle is the seeming disconnect between the fleshy apron that jiggles at my midsection and the verbiage such as fat, cellulite, pounds, excess food, insufficient exercise, etc. It is as if those horrible adjectives and nouns are so egregious they cannot possibly be real. Therefore the legitimate cause my thighs act as flint and chaff for a boy scout trying to start a fire for the first time must still be a mystery. Do I smell smoke?  Those ugly words need to come out of ambiguity and race into reality as tangible objects that can be controlled.

How can fat, cellulite, pounds, cottage cheese butts, fire starting thighs, and jiggly midsections be controlled? This, my friends, is the million dollar question. Millions of people spend millions of dollars on gimmicks to lose weight which include cosmetic surgeries. However, let me just answer this valuable question for free. Most already know the answer. Some could have medical issues preventing them from being the size they want to be. Others are completely content with the size they are; but for me the answer is DENIAL! It's okay, though. Everybody has been in denial about something at least once in their lifetime. We all have a right to come to our truths in our own time. The fact still remains, however, that if I do not want my butt to look like I eat McDonald's burgers and fries, I cannot EAT McDonald's burgers and fries ALL the time. When I succumb to the temporary theme song, "I'm Lovin' It!", I HAVE to remind myself the regret that will come in like a wave once my justification and craving wears off. If I want to prevent starting forest fires with my thighs, I must increase my activity. My legs can and do move quicker than I thought they could. I must test this theory on a consistent and regular basis to see the real benefits; but this is more than a theory. It is a fact. I save loads of money off my grocery bill when I stop overeating. It's amazing how little food I can get away with eating and still be satisfied compared to what I normally stuff into my body. I increase the amount of free time I have when I spend less time bellied up to a buffet bar. This time could be spent playing with my kids or getting involved in more productive hobbies.

I know this is a touchy subject. So, calm down. For those not ready to face this truth yet, just book mark this blog and come back to it when you are. This is not coming from a skinny beautiful stick figure. I openly admit that I am a short robust beautiful stump. This blog is meant only to reveal the truth I have come to know. This is not a judgment or command for others to be skinny. I agree with those who think the media puts too much pressure on ladies to look like Twiggy or Kate Moss, which I view as grotesque anyway.

The real moral of this story is that there is a great amount of confidence and satisfaction that comes from being healthy for all the right reasons. I can deprive myself of excess or unhealthy fats and sugars and not only do I experience positive changes in my appearance; but I also feel better physically. Amazingly still, my inner spirit feels tremendous benefits when I am true to and discipline myself. I feel emotionally healthy. If anyone gleans anything from this blog I hope it is encouragement to look within and see if there is any untruth lurking in a dark barricaded sacred corner regarding any uncomfortable topic. Why? Shakespeare said it best, "This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man." Basically, you cannot even start to be honest to anyone else until you are first honest with yourself. I wish you all grace, peace, and freedom in your endeavors to discover your own truths.

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