Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Prayer List

Feeling compelled in my spirit, I have created a prayer list for the first time in my life. This is not to say that I have not prayed prior to now. I just mean that this is the first time I have actually made a point to document requests, pray for them, and track them. I am excited to see in black and white the results of prayer. I have heard others' experiences. Now, it's time to see them for myself.

So, if you have a request and would like to be added to my prayer list feel free to contact me by email, leave a comment here, or hit me up on Facebook. Each request will be completely confidential. I respect everyone's right to privacy especially over potentially sensitive issues. I would ask that as soon as you see something change regarding your request, even if it is seemingly negative, PLEASE let me know as soon as possible. My prayer list is meant to be a faith building tool as well as to learn how to enrich my prayer life. I really do believe that I will not be the only one to benefit from this experience, however.

For those of you who may wonder what my credentials are: I have none. I am walking through the same muddy spiritual battlefield as everyone else. This announcement is just an offer to have one more soldier lock arms with you till the war is over.

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